Thanks a million for this tip, Alexander! I am using Debian unstable, and this has prevented me from building for months.

Now I am getting stopped by another error altogether:

[Linux] /home/mainuser/Devel/genode_main/genode/depot/genodelabs/api/pc_linux/2023-01-23/src/linux/scripts/extract-cert.c:21:10: fatal error: openssl/bio.h: No such file or directory
  [Linux]     21 | #include <openssl/bio.h>
  [Linux]        |          ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  [Linux]  compilation terminated.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this?


  John J. Karcher

On 2/15/23 10:54, Alexander Tormasov via users wrote:
I suspect that if you just touch plural.c file it will not be regenerated.
this should be done after depot download
find . -name plural.c -exec touch \{} \;

15 февр. 2023 г., в 16:44, Pranab Kumar Rout cs21m045 <> написал(а):

I am getting this error while doing:
> make run/sculpt KERNEL=hw BOARD=virt_qemu_riscv
I don't have a different setup, I am using the master branch only.

As Alexander pointed out, it looks like I need to downgrade my gnu bison (which is now 3.5.1) to some 2.xx otherwise if its already present in depot, how do I skip the re-generation? Do I have to configure any file?
Will it affect my process of building sculpt image?
Please advise.


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