On 2/18/23 05:27, Alexander Tormasov via users wrote:

Thanks a million for this tip, Alexander!  I am using Debian unstable, and this 
has prevented me from building for months.

I spend couple days to fight with bison3 and fail finally…
so, this trick is a workaround, not a solution
probably original of bash distro in genode should be updated to newer version

I'll take the workaround for now!  :^)

Now I am getting stopped by another error altogether:

 fatal error: openssl/bio.h: No such file or directory
  [Linux]     21 | #include <openssl/bio.h>
  [Linux]        |          ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  [Linux]  compilation terminated.

never saw this - while seems that this is related to too new version of 
libssl-dev package.
try to downgrade them as well
in stack overflow I saw same problem and recommendation to downgrade to 
1.1.1b-1ubuntu2 from …2.1

This one turned out to be me just being stupid - I somehow forgot to install libssl at all. Now it builds again. Can't wait to test it!

 Thanks two million!

  John J. Karcher

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