Hernan M Foffani wrote:
> Definetly it's a huge work.
>> Which module should we go for?  NumPy looks like a good start, as it gives
>> us a start on getting SciPy working.  But perhaps there are better choices.
>> Should this be a new project, or should we be talking to other people about
>> getting it into other projects?
> NumPy is already big. I'd start with a very small project like the
> sample at http://docs.python.org/ext/simpleExample.html. Sort of a
> proof of concept.

We will pick a starting project, that although possibly big, will 
provide some direct 'business value' when completed.

However your suggestion is not a bad way of starting that project 
(depending on which approach we take of course).

> Have you evaluated that you may need to port a big portion of the Python
> C API (Py* functions and macros.)?

Yes. :-)

>> What is the best architecture?  We're thinking of this as being a bit of C#
>> managed code to interface with the C extension, and a thin Python wrapper on
>> top.  The module's existing C extension and Python code would "sandwich"
>> this layer.  Let us know if this is a silly idea :-)
> As someone else already said, you ought to consider COM too.
> Another aproach is to completly forget the *CPython* extension. Pick
> the domain C code core and add a .NET wrapper. Swig can you help here:
> http://www.swig.org/tutorial.html
> In these two approaches a Python compatibility layer API will be needed.
> Thus, the programmer can use the same API from IronPython that she
> used to use from CPython.

Both interesting possibilities - thanks.


>> Is there anything else we should be thinking about to get this started?
> Hummm... I'm tempted to add a silly joke here but I'm going to refrain
> myself now. ;)
> Regards,
> -HernĂ¡n.
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