Paolo Molaro wrote:
> On 10/17/07 Curt Hagenlocher wrote:
>> On 10/17/07, Paolo Molaro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> The python API requires a couple dozen structure definitions plus a few
>>> dozen dllimport declarations. This can be about 200 lines of trivial
>>> to write declarative stuff.
>> I'm having trouble understanding what you mean by this.  Let's say I've got
>> an extension method that looks like this:
>> PyObject * ModifyColumns(PyObject * self, PyObject * args)
>> {
> [...]
>> In order to use this extension from IronPython, I need C implementations of
>> each of those API functions.  The PySequence_ methods should to be able to
>> understand CLR arrays or any other IEnumerable-like object.  I'm not sure
>> what PyTuple_New should return, but whatever it is will need to have
>> PyObject*-like semantics.
>> How does DllImport fit into this picture?  How can I avoid implementing all
>> these functions in C or C++?
> You do need to write C code as the API is a C API. I didn't list in the
> last mail because the C implementation of these functions is not a
> difference between the C# impl and the C++ impl of the rest of the code.
> The dllimport declarations I mentioned above would pinvoke to these C
> functions.

Those C functions you speak about will need to execute managed code.

So, either way, what needs to be done is to allow "Reverse P/Invoke" or 
some form of DllExport.  Assuming this project is successful, native 
C/C++ will have to, at some point, execute managed code.

There are only two ways that I know of that you can accomplish this in .NET:
1. C++ Interop
2. Modifying a compiled assembly

Option 1 has the disadvantage of not working in Mono (for now), but I 
think is a "cleaner" solution.

Option 2 requires a post build event and I have no idea how that will 
affect Mono, as I don't use Mono or ever tried this approach.  This 
article briefly discusses the method:

The Cecil project might help with this, though I'm not sure:

PostSharp might be able to do this as well (again, I've never used it):

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