This might be something fun to look at during the sprints at PyCon.

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Michael Foord
Sent: Monday, February 04, 2008 2:55 PM
To: Discussion of IronPython
Subject: Re: [IronPython] Decorators on classes

Hello Dino,

That sounds *great*, and is something really needed by IronPython. How
long do you think it will take you to implement? <0.5 wink>


Dino Viehland wrote:
> Ok, maybe it's a little optimistic or maybe it needs a couple of hooks 
> exposed, but it's not too crazy.
> As other people have pointed out decorators are a runtime concept and I don't 
> think we get to change that.  So consider a class decorator such as:
> def ClrAttribute(attr):
>         def attrFunc(class):
>                 # do something smart here with attr
>         return attrFunc
> @ClrAttribute(System.SerializableAttribute)
> class X(ISomething, object):
>         @ClrAttribute(SomeOtherAttribte)
>         def DoSomething(self):
>                 return 42
> As Curt mentioned we do a bunch of caching and such with NewTypeMaker and 
> maybe spit out a new type.  That's all going to happen before the decorator 
> gets to run - but we'll only create a new type once so there isn't too much 
> overhead here :).
> >From there you could copy that type w/ Reflection.Emit but add the 
> >attribute(s) on it, and then create a new instance of it passing in the 
> >PythonType object to its constructor (that's how Python types work - the 
> >instance holds onto a copy of the PythonType, the one problem here being 
> >that the UnderlyingSystemType of the PythonType would now be wrong, so that 
> >might need a hook).  This could also include applying the attributes to 
> >methods and potentially manifesting concretely typed methods.   This same 
> >sort of approach might even work w/ a meta-class.
> Plugging into NewTypeMaker would simplify this but I don't think makes it 
> impossible.
> There's also other potential problems with systems based up types and 
> attributes: Sometimes they want a type that lives in an assembly and 
> sometimes they want to create instances of types (and they don't know to pass 
> in a PythonType object to the constructor).
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Michael Foord
> Sent: Monday, February 04, 2008 2:03 PM
> To: Discussion of IronPython
> Subject: Re: [IronPython] Decorators on classes
> Dino Viehland wrote:
>> FYI IP 2.0 is tracking 2.5 and we have the big pieces in place plus many 
>> small pieces (although there's more to go).  In 1.1 we had -X:Python25 which 
>> enabled selective 2.5 features and we could conceptually do the same sort of 
>> thing for 2.0 so that it includes one or two 2.6 features such as class 
>> decorators.
>> >From there the decorators to support attributes could even be written in 
>> >Python.
> Is that right - could attributes be added to an IronPython class (or
> instances) at runtime using reflection? Earlier parts of this
> conversation implied that this wasn't the case...
> Decorators are only syntactic sugar, so the lack of class decorators
> isn't an impediment...
> Michael
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Keith J. 
>> Farmer
>> Sent: Monday, February 04, 2008 1:40 PM
>> To: Discussion of IronPython; Discussion of IronPython
>> Subject: Re: [IronPython] Decorators on classes
>> Grandfathering: Giving more consideration to retaining compatibility than it 
>> deserves. :)
>> Obviously, IronPython should prioritize compatibility with Py2.4, but for 
>> obvious reasons I limit that to seeing IP as a consumer of CPy, not the 
>> other way around.  On the other hand, IP must also be able to consume .NET, 
>> and .NET is increasingly making use of things the IP cannot yet express.  (I 
>> thought of another framework that attributes are used on -- WCF.  There are 
>> also XML serialization attributes.)
>> To that end, I think it would be worthwhile, for the purpose of .NET 
>> attributes, to have decorators or their analogues available to IronPython in 
>> the current stage of development.  That is, I think it should be that 
>> IronPython = CPy 2.4 + .NET Attributes + other .NET-isms expressed in a 
>> Pythonic way.
>> ________________________________
>> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Michael Foord
>> Sent: Mon 2/4/2008 11:53 AM
>> To: Discussion of IronPython
>> Subject: Re: [IronPython] Decorators on classes
>> Keith J. Farmer wrote:
>>> I've had no problems with not grandfathering in older APIs, and am quite 
>>> happy to not grandfather in older syntax, either.
>> What do you mean by 'grandfathering' in this context?
>> Michael
>>> I agree that IronPython would have to be able to distinguish between CLR 
>>> attributes and Python decorators, inasmuch as CLR attributes are a static 
>>> part of the class/member definition.  But I don't think it's an 
>>> insurmountable problem, and solving it in the DLR, actually, would be very 
>>> useful.
>>> I wouldn't expect that class authors would want to change the set of .NET 
>>> attributes frequently if at all -- it doesn't match how they've been 
>>> designed and how they've evolved, so creating the attributed base class 
>>> once (and then having pythonic decorators coming in and out at will) seems 
>>> like a reasonable approach to me.
>>> ________________________________
>>> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Curt Hagenlocher
>>> Sent: Mon 2/4/2008 11:13 AM
>>> To: Discussion of IronPython
>>> Subject: Re: [IronPython] Decorators on classes
>>> Oh! I didn't realize that about 2.6.
>>> There is indeed a big difference between a Python runtime decorator and a 
>>> .NET compile time attribute; in fact, the similarities are superficial at 
>>> best.
>>> .NET attributes are totally static, so there's no way to modify a .NET 
>>> class definition to add them.  The IronPython engine would have to 
>>> recognize particular class-level Pythonic annotations and use that 
>>> information to emit a new CLR class to represent the Python class.  It 
>>> already emits CLR classes as needed to represent Python classes.  By "as 
>>> needed", I mean that a specific CLR base class plus a specific set of CLR 
>>> interfaces will uniquely determine a class to be emitted by IronPython.  
>>> This class is cached so that -- once generated -- any new Python class 
>>> definition that matches this set of (CLR base class plus interfaces) will 
>>> reuse the same CLR class definition.
>>> What you'd have to change is to put the class-level attributes onto the 
>>> generated CLR class, then change caching so that the key is (CLR base class 
>>> plus interfaces plus attributes).  It's definitely doable, but raises 
>>> intriguing questions about "purity".  And you'd also need to consider the 
>>> impact on the larger DLR.
>>> Method-level attributes are an entirely different matter.
>>> On Feb 4, 2008 10:58 AM, Michael Foord <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>       Class decorators will be in Python 2.6 - but there is a big difference
>>>       between a Python runtime decorator and .NET compile time attributes. 
>>> Is
>>>       it possible to attach attributes at runtime using the reflection API?
>>>       Michael
>>>       Keith J. Farmer wrote:
>>>       > Can I resurrect this forgotten soul?  
>>>       >
>>>       > Having just finished working on LINQ to SQL, I'm convinced that 
>>> future LINQ providers will be making heavy use of .NET attributes not just 
>>> on properties, but on classes themselves.  Being able to express these 
>>> attributes in IronPython is a tremendous bonus.  That there be one and only 
>>> one way to express these is paramount.
>>>       >
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