Hello IronPython team,

Could we please have better docstrings on some of the stuff in the clr module. Specifically:

Module docstring: """ module()
module(dict dictionary)
module(module parent, dict dictionary)
module(module parent, dict dictionary, bool isVisible)

def AddReferenceToTypeLibrary(arg0, arg1):
 """ AddReferenceToTypeLibrary(CodeContext context, object rcw)
 AddReferenceToTypeLibrary(CodeContext context, Guid typeLibGuid) """

class ArgChecker(object):
 """ ArgChecker(Array[object] prms)

def CompileModules(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3=None):
""" CompileModules(CodeContext context, str assemblyName, dict kwArgs, Array[str] filenames) """

def Deserialize(arg0, arg1):
 """ object Deserialize(str serializationFormat, str data) """
 return object()

def GetClrType(arg0):
 """ Type GetClrType(Type type) """
 return Type()

def GetCurrentRuntime(arg0):
 """ ScriptDomainManager GetCurrentRuntime(CodeContext context) """
 return ScriptDomainManager()

def GetDynamicType(arg0):
 """ type GetDynamicType(Type t) """
 return type()

def GetPythonType(arg0):
 """ type GetPythonType(Type t) """
 return type()

def LoadTypeLibrary(arg0, arg1):
 """ ComTypeLibInfo LoadTypeLibrary(CodeContext context, object rcw)
 ComTypeLibInfo LoadTypeLibrary(CodeContext context, Guid typeLibGuid) """
 return ComTypeLibInfo()

class Reference(object):
 """ StrongBox[T]()
 StrongBox[T](T value)

class ReferencesList(List[Assembly]):
 """ ReferencesList()

class ReturnChecker(object):
 """ ReturnChecker(object returnType)

class RuntimeArgChecker(PythonTypeSlot):
 """ RuntimeArgChecker(object function, Array[object] expectedArgs)
RuntimeArgChecker(object instance, object function, Array[object] expectedArgs)

class RuntimeReturnChecker(PythonTypeSlot):
 """ RuntimeReturnChecker(object function, object expectedReturn)
RuntimeReturnChecker(object instance, object function, object expectedReturn)
 def GetAttribute(self, arg0, arg1):
   """ object GetAttribute(self, object instance, object owner) """
   return object()

def Self(arg):
 """ object Self() """
 return object()

def Serialize(arg0):
 """ tuple Serialize(object self) """
 return tuple()

def SetCommandDispatcher(arg0, arg1):
""" CommandDispatcher SetCommandDispatcher(CodeContext context, CommandDispatcher dispatcher) """
 return CommandDispatcher()

def Use(arg0, arg1):
 """ object Use(CodeContext context, str name)
 object Use(CodeContext context, str path, str language) """
 return object()

def accepts(arg0=None):
 """ object accepts(Array[object] types) """
 return object()

def returns(arg0):
 """ object returns(object type) """
 return object()

(Above from the Wing PI file generated for the clr module.)





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