Yes - I've opened a bug (22235 -

I want to generally improve the doc strings everywhere.  I've slowly
been pushing on this and my ultimate goal is to get all of the doc
strings moved into XML comments and then we can read them from there.

Then we just need to go through a big push and add XML doc comments
everywhere :)

If other people have APIs they want doc strings on please add them
to the comments.  But I can see clr being particularly problematic
as it otherwise lacks documentation.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [mailto:users-
>] On Behalf Of Michael Foord
> Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2009 8:11 AM
> To: Discussion of IronPython
> Subject: [IronPython] Docstrings on stuff in clr module
> Hello IronPython team,
> Could we please have better docstrings on some of the stuff in the clr
> module. Specifically:
> Module docstring: """ module()
> module(dict dictionary)
> module(module parent, dict dictionary)
> module(module parent, dict dictionary, bool isVisible)
>  """
> def AddReferenceToTypeLibrary(arg0, arg1):
>   """ AddReferenceToTypeLibrary(CodeContext context, object rcw)
>   AddReferenceToTypeLibrary(CodeContext context, Guid typeLibGuid) """
>   pass
> class ArgChecker(object):
>   """ ArgChecker(Array[object] prms)
>    """
> def CompileModules(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3=None):
>   """ CompileModules(CodeContext context, str assemblyName, dict
> kwArgs,
> Array[str] filenames) """
>   pass
> def Deserialize(arg0, arg1):
>   """ object Deserialize(str serializationFormat, str data) """
>   return object()
> def GetClrType(arg0):
>   """ Type GetClrType(Type type) """
>   return Type()
> def GetCurrentRuntime(arg0):
>   """ ScriptDomainManager GetCurrentRuntime(CodeContext context) """
>   return ScriptDomainManager()
> def GetDynamicType(arg0):
>   """ type GetDynamicType(Type t) """
>   return type()
> def GetPythonType(arg0):
>   """ type GetPythonType(Type t) """
>   return type()
> def LoadTypeLibrary(arg0, arg1):
>   """ ComTypeLibInfo LoadTypeLibrary(CodeContext context, object rcw)
>   ComTypeLibInfo LoadTypeLibrary(CodeContext context, Guid typeLibGuid)
> """
>   return ComTypeLibInfo()
> class Reference(object):
>   """ StrongBox[T]()
>   StrongBox[T](T value)
>    """
> class ReferencesList(List[Assembly]):
>   """ ReferencesList()
>    """
> class ReturnChecker(object):
>   """ ReturnChecker(object returnType)
>    """
> class RuntimeArgChecker(PythonTypeSlot):
>   """ RuntimeArgChecker(object function, Array[object] expectedArgs)
>   RuntimeArgChecker(object instance, object function, Array[object]
> expectedArgs)
>    """
> class RuntimeReturnChecker(PythonTypeSlot):
>   """ RuntimeReturnChecker(object function, object expectedReturn)
>   RuntimeReturnChecker(object instance, object function, object
> expectedReturn)
>    """
>   def GetAttribute(self, arg0, arg1):
>     """ object GetAttribute(self, object instance, object owner) """
>     return object()
> def Self(arg):
>   """ object Self() """
>   return object()
> def Serialize(arg0):
>   """ tuple Serialize(object self) """
>   return tuple()
> def SetCommandDispatcher(arg0, arg1):
>   """ CommandDispatcher SetCommandDispatcher(CodeContext context,
> CommandDispatcher dispatcher) """
>   return CommandDispatcher()
> def Use(arg0, arg1):
>   """ object Use(CodeContext context, str name)
>   object Use(CodeContext context, str path, str language) """
>   return object()
> def accepts(arg0=None):
>   """ object accepts(Array[object] types) """
>   return object()
> def returns(arg0):
>   """ object returns(object type) """
>   return object()
> (Above from the Wing PI file generated for the clr module.)
> :-)
> Thanks
> Michael
> --
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