Dino Viehland wrote:
Michael wrote:
Curt Hagenlocher wrote:
In principle, allowing unprivileged users to install code into a
location where it can unknowingly be accessed by privileged users is a
security problem. A "per-user" approach is the right one.

I've just installed some software.  Installing that software required that
I elevate to admin and left that software in a typically global location
on my machine (either C:\... or C:\Program Files\...) where my normal user account does not have writes to access.
What's the least surprising - that the global location is now suddenly
writable or that the global location remains writable only be administrators?

As a user I probably don't care (and won't even check) whether a sub-folder in the install location is now writable. What I *do* care about is whether that software *works* - and an access denied error on using aspects of that software *will* 'surprise' me, yes. :-)

Another way of phrasing the question - does writability of a sub-folder in the IronPython install folder *trump* compatibility with CPython behaviour?


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