Jeff Hardy wrote:
On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 10:53 AM, Michael Foord
<> wrote:
The first succeeds, naturally. Are you saying that it would be *more*
surprising if the second succeeded?

It should be surprising - a limited user should *never* be able to
install software into a shared location. The fact that it works for
CPython is a bug, not a feature. I would totally expect to have to
elevate to install a package; IIRC, it's the norm on *nix machines to
need to sudo to write to site-packages.

You can try raising a bug against CPython for this, but I *imagine* you will get short-shrift (although in the presence of PEP 370 I am willing to be surprised).

So the question is, how important is CPython compatibility in regard to this behaviour?

Perhaps IronPython could make PEP 370 site-packages the *default*?


Limited users should only be able to write to a per-user site-packages
(I think this is what virtualenv is supposed to accomplish, but
virtualenv has always been a mystery to me). It's no different that a
limited user being able to install into the GAC.

- Jeff
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