What does program.py look like?  Is it all top-level code or does it also
contain functions and classes?  And are the break points in the top-level
code or are they in functions/classes?  

I ask because I can't seem to hit breakpoints in top-level code at all but
so far I reliably hit them in functions - but that may just be the way the
races are going on my machine.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: users-boun...@lists.ironpython.com [mailto:users-
> boun...@lists.ironpython.com] On Behalf Of Joshua Kramer
> Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2009 8:32 PM
> To: users@lists.ironpython.com
> Subject: Re: [IronPython] IronPython 2.6 final: Debugging not working?
> Dino,
> This actually appears to be a threading issue.  While I was filing a bug
> report for PyDev I did further testing.  In three debugging sessions, two
> sessions worked fine with full debugging and one session skipped the
> breakpoints.  Here's a relevant debug log:
> This is where it DOES work:
> pydev debugger: starting
> ('Executing file ', 'C:\\Documents and
> Settings\\Joshua.Kramer\\workspace\\DebugTest\\src\\Program.py')
> ('arguments:', "['C:\\\\Documents and
> Settings\\\\Joshua.Kramer\\\\workspace\\\\DebugTest\\\\src\\\\Program.py']")
> ('Connecting to ', 'localhost', ':', '3416')
> ('Connected.',)
> ('received command ', '501\t1\t1.1')
> ('received command ', '111\t3\tC:\\Documents and
> Settings\\Joshua.Kramer\\workspace\\DebugTest\\src\\Program.py\t10\t**FUNC**\t
> None')
> sending cmd: CMD_THREAD_CREATE 103    2       <xml><thread
> name="pydevd.reader" id="-1"/></xml>
> sending cmd: CMD_VERSION 501  1       1.1
> sending cmd: CMD_THREAD_CREATE 103    4       <xml><thread
> name="pydevd.writer" id="-1"/></xml>
> Added breakpoint:c:\documents and
> settings\joshua.kramer\workspace\debugtest\src\program.py - line:10 -
> func_name:
> ('received command ', '101\t5\t')
> hello
> lightbulb
> ('found a new thread ', 'pid264_seq1')
> sending cmd: CMD_THREAD_CREATE 103    6       <xml><thread
> name="MainThread" id="pid264_seq1" /></xml>
> sending cmd: CMD_THREAD_SUSPEND 105   8       <xml><thread
> id="pid264_seq1" stop_reason="111"><frame id="43"
> name="%26lt%3Bmodule%26gt%3B" file="c%253A%255Cdocuments and
> settings%255Cjoshua.kramer%255Cworkspace%255Cdebugtest%255Csrc%255Cprogram.py"
> line="10">"</frame></thread></xml>
> ('received command ', '114\t7\tpid264_seq1\t43\tFRAME')
> ('processing internal command ', '<pydevd_comm.InternalGetFrame instance
> at 0x000000000000002C>')
> sending cmd: CMD_GET_FRAME 114        7       <xml><var 
> name="%24globalContext"
> type="CodeContext" value="CodeContext%253A
> %253CIronPython.Runtime.CodeContext object at 0x000000000000002D
> %255BIronPython.Runtime.CodeContext%255D%26gt%3B" isContainer="True"
> />%0A<var name="%24lineNo" type="int" value="int%253A 0" />%0A<var
> name="functionCode" type="code" value="code%253A %253Ccode object at
> 0x000000000000002E%26gt%3B" isContainer="True" />%0A</xml>
> This is where it does NOT work:
> pydev debugger: starting
> ('Executing file ', 'C:\\Documents and
> Settings\\Joshua.Kramer\\workspace\\DebugTest\\src\\Program.py')
> ('arguments:', "['C:\\\\Documents and
> Settings\\\\Joshua.Kramer\\\\workspace\\\\DebugTest\\\\src\\\\Program.py']")
> ('Connecting to ', 'localhost', ':', '3422')
> ('Connected.',)
> ('received command ', '501\t1\t1.1')
> ('received command ', '111\t3\tC:\\Documents and
> Settings\\Joshua.Kramer\\workspace\\DebugTest\\src\\Program.py\t10\t**FUNC**\t
> None')
> sending cmd: CMD_THREAD_CREATE 103    2       <xml><thread
> name="pydevd.reader" id="-1"/></xml>
> sending cmd: CMD_VERSION 501  1       1.1
> sending cmd: CMD_THREAD_CREATE 103    4       <xml><thread
> name="pydevd.writer" id="-1"/></xml>
> Added breakpoint:c:\documents and
> settings\joshua.kramer\workspace\debugtest\src\program.py - line:10 -
> func_name:
> ('received command ', '101\t5\t')
> hello
> lightbulb
> goodbye
> gobble
> done testing
> How can I further assist?
> Thanks,
> -Josh
> --
> -----
> http://www.globalherald.net/jb01
> GlobalHerald.NET, the Smarter Social Network! (tm)
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