On 01/02/2010 21:35, Jeff Hardy wrote:
On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 2:21 PM, Dino Viehland<di...@microsoft.com>  wrote:
It always prefers __unicode__ over __str__.  We can't really only call
__unicode__ when __str__ isn't there because __str__ is always there.
OK - didn't realize that. Not sure it would really improve the
behaviour all that much anyway.

Anything that really needs to know the difference and support
IronPython can just check `str is unicode` anyway.

Random thought: str(x, yes_really=True) to always call __str__? :)

How about having str and unicode as different objects internally - so IronPython can tell the difference - but fake equality and identity checks *inside* IronPython. :-)

Or do something a bit similar to what Python 3 does with super... Compile different code for str(...) and unicode(...). I think I prefer that to the above. :-)


- Jeff
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