In VB, eventhandling can be done by switching to the "partial class",
selecting the object in the left dropdown at the top of the editor, and then
selecting the event in the right dropdown.  The function gets created, and
of course in VB uses Handles in order to connect the event-handler.

This is a style of working with events that is familiar with at least a
hundred thousand VFP programmers who have been stranded by MS, and are
looking for a way into .Net.  And I believe it's familiar with the million
plus VB programmers who have not made the switch to .Net (the last figure I
read was over 2 million, but that was nearly 2 years ago).

I would make the argument that this way of working is straight-forward,
involves less typing, and allows clearer thinking: the same kinds of
arguments made for Py in general and IPy in particular.  I can create a
framework that makes working with data, and the IDE, easy for users, and
straight-forward in a way that will be familiar to VFP developers -- and am
doing so (open source fwiw), hence my special interest in making the rest of
the development experience as familiar as possible.

So, this is a request.  I'll have others, but much of what I need is already
in the plan (working with VSX in Python is huge, btw, so thanks in advance
for that one).


Hank Fay
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