On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 2:14 PM, ben kuin <benk...@gmail.com> wrote:
> hi
> how to build ironpython on ubuntu from sources? Nothing works, no
> success with xbuild ./Solutions/Ironpython.sln, or with 'build all' on
> monodevelop.
> I even installed mono HEAD from sources which was for itself a pain to
> build. And now I have new errors ...
> Before I made an extensive list of the errors and configurations, I
> just want to know if somebody succeed in building IP on ubuntu.

I'm not sure that anyone has, yet. Mono support is one of the things
we'd like for 2.7 (I'd consider it a requirement, but others may
disagree) so if you have any issues please file bugs and report them
here, and I'll consider them high priority.

- Jeff
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