changed it all with

   $ find . -iname '*.csproj'  | xargs perl -pi -e

(for future reference)

and now

   $ xbuild Solutions/IronPython.sln > log 2>&1


         55 Warning(s)
         2 Error(s)

    EngineHelper.cs(339,37): error CS0518: The predefined type
    `Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.Binder' is not defined or imported

    EngineHelper.cs(339,37): error CS1969: Dynamic operation cannot
    be compiled without `Microsoft.CSharp.dll' assembly reference

As far as I can see Microsoft.CSharp.dll is not part of the mono >=
2.8 installation ...

On Sat, Jan 8, 2011 at 12:50 AM, Dino Viehland <> wrote:
> Jeff wrote:
>> > Ok, I've switched to 'false' and now I get:
>> >
>> >
>> > 21 Warning(s)
>> > 13 Error(s)
>> >
>> > - Some errors still sound like warnings to me.
>> Looks like that's set to true in all of the csproj files, so you'll have to 
>> change it
>> in all of them.
>> >
>> > - most of the errors throws a ' Type of ... is not CLS-compliant'
>> > message
>> I think these are meant to be warnings as well, so see what happens after
>> changing all of the <TreatWarningsAsErrors> sections.
> For those we can probably add a [assembly: ClsCompliant(false)] attribute
> somewhere and have those go away (there may also be a project setting).
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