Thanks for the reply. Actually, I'm working with the MPI team at Sun and I was wondering if there was already a team within the OpenMPI community thinking about developing a doc set for OpenMPI. Such doc communities exist for the other open source communities I've worked with, such as and

Sounds like the answer to the question is no, or, not yet.

So, maybe we need to start one.

Richard Friedman
Sun Microsystems

Jeff Squyres wrote:
Open MPI adheres to the MPI standard (, but as for specific docs for the Open MPI software package itself, the best we have at the community level is the README and man pages in the tarball and the web site FAQ (

Sun is actually considering contributing back a bunch of documentation; you might want to poke around internally and see what action is going on there.

On Sep 7, 2007, at 4:39 PM, Richard Friedman wrote:

Is anyone thinking about OpenMPI documentation?

(I'm new to this alias, so apologies if this discussion is already happening)

It seems (at least to me) that there is no single definitive and "certified" OpenMPI specification currently.

Is any work being done on this? (I'm thinking of something like the OpenMP specs (

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--Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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