
i'm about to start working on parallelizing my master's thesis project and thought i would do it with some easy and free software....

I had to sudo make all install first of all, is this normal?

Next, i'm using an example code i found on the site somewhere, and my driver is the following line

mpicc mpiex.C -o mpiex

i've set PATH=$MPI_HOME/bin and LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$MPI_HOME/lib but i keep getting the error in the below output. thanks for your help. and i've attached output of ompi_info --all and the config.log file.

flip:~/Documents/classes/parallel/code/mpiex ryanokuinghttons$ sh mk
/usr/bin/ld: Undefined symbols:
MPI::Win::Set_errhandler(MPI::Errhandler const&)
MPI::Comm::Set_errhandler(MPI::Errhandler const&)
vtable for __cxxabiv1::__class_type_info
vtable for __cxxabiv1::__si_class_type_info
operator delete[](void*)
operator delete(void*)
operator new[](unsigned long)
operator new(unsigned long)
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
flip:~/Documents/classes/parallel/code/mpiex ryanokuinghttons$

Ryan O'Kuinghttons

Attachment: ompierr.tar.gz
Description: Unix tar archive

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