
When running openMPI my system freezes when initializing MPI (function MPI_init). This happens only when I try to run the process in multiples nodes in my cluster. Running multiple instances of the testing code locally (i.e ./mpirun -np 2 greetings) is succesful.

- rsh runs well, and is configured to full access. (i.e. rsh " date" is succesful, so they are "rsh AFRLMPPBM2 date" or "rsh AFRLMPPBM2.MPPdomain.com"). Security is not an issue in this system.

- uname -n and hostname return a valid hostname

- The testing code (attached to this email) is run (and fails) as: ./mpirun --hostfile /root/hostfile -np 2 greetings . The hostfile has the names of the localnode (first entry:AFRLMPPBM1) and the remote node (second entry: AFRLMPPBM2). This file is also attached to this email.

- The environment variables seem to be properly set (see env.log attached file). Local mpi programs (i.e. ./mpirun -np 2 greetings) run well.

-.profile has the path information for both the executables and the libraries

- orted runs in the remote node, however it does not print anything in console. The only output in the remote node is:

pam_rhosts_auth[235]: user root has a `+' user entry
pam_rhosts_auth[235]: allowed to r...@afrlmppbm1.mppdomain.com as root
PAM_unix[235]: (rsh) session opened for user root by (uid=0)
in.rshd[236]: r...@afrlmppbm1.mppdomain.com as root: cmd='( ! [ -e ./.profile ] || . ./.profile; orted --bootproxy 1 --name 0.0.1 --num_procs 3 --vpid_start 0 - -nodename AFRLMPPBM2.MPPdomain.com --universe root@AFRLMPPBM1:default-universe-3 04 --nsreplica "0.0.0;tcp://" --gprreplica "0.0.0;tcp://192.1
68.1.102:32824" --mpi-call-yield 0 )'
PAM_unix[235]: (rsh) session closed for user root

Then the remote process returns command prompt. However orted is in the background. The local process is frozen, and just prints: "Calling init", which is just before MPI_Init (see greetings.c).

I believe the COMM WORLD cannot be correctly initialized. However I can't see which part of my configuration is wrong.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you,


Attachment: logs.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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