
I'm currently working on optimistic message logging and I would like to implement an optimistic message logging protocol in OpenMPI. Optimistic message logging protocols piggyback information about dependencies between processes on the application messages to be able to find a consistent global state after a failure. That's why I'm interested in the problem of piggybacking information on MPI messages.

Is there some works on this problem at the moment ?
Has anyone already implemented some mechanisms in OpenMPI to piggyback data on MPI messages?



Oleg Morajko wrote:

I'm developing a causality chain tracking library and need a mechanism to attach an extra data to every MPI message, so called piggyback mechanism.

As far as I know there are a few solutions to this problem from which the two fundamental ones are the following:

    * Dynamic datatype wrapping - if a user MPI_Send, let's say 1024
      doubles, the wrapped send call implementation dynamically
      creates a derived datatype that is a structure composed of a
      pointer to 1024 doubles and extra fields to be piggybacked. The
      datatype is constructed with absolute addresses to avoid copying
      the original buffer. The receivers side creates the equivalent
      datatype to receive the original data and extra data. The
      performance of this solution depends on the how good is derived
      data type handling, but seems to be lightweight.

    * Sending extra data in a separate message -- seems this can have
      much more significant overhead

Do you know any other portable solution?

I have implemented the first solution for P2P operations and it works pretty well. However there are problems with collective operations. There are 2 classes of collective calls that are problematic:

   1. Single receiver calls, like MPI_Gather. The sender tasks in
      gather can be handled in the same way as a normal send, a data
      item is wrapped and extra data is piggybacked with the message.
      The problem is at the receiver side when a root gathers N data
      items that must be received in an array big enough to receive
      all items strided by datatype extent.

      In particular, it seems impossible to construct a datatype that
      contains data item and extra data (i.e. structure type with
      absolute addresses) AND make an array of these datatypes
      separated by a fixed extent. For example: data item to receive
      from every process is a vector of 1024 doubles. Extra data is a
      single integer. User provides a receive buffer with place for N
      * 1024 * double. The library allocates an array of N integers to
      receive piggybacked data. How to construct a datatype that can
      be used to receive data in MPI_Gather?

   2. MPI_Reduce calls. There is no problem with datatypes as the
      receiver gets the single data item and not an array as in
      previous case. The problem is the reduction operator itself
      (MPI_Op) because these operators do not work with wrapped data
      types. So I can create a new operator to recognize the wrapped
      data type that extracts the original data (skipping extra data)
      and performs the original reduction. The point is how to invoke
      the original reduction on an existing datatype. I have found
      that Open MPI calls internally ompi_op_reduce(op, inbuf, rbuf,
      count, dtype) this solves a problem. However this makes the code
      MPI-implementation dependent. Any idea on more portable options?

Thank you in advance for any comment.



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