Dear Community,
I need advise to get openmpi to work using lam. For testing I installed it on 
two machines running opensuse10.3 (both atholon 64) connected via ethernet. I 
then try to run a test script "hello.x" with the following commands:
jus@cusp:~/Code/Spielwiese/Mpi> make hello
mpicc hello.c -o hello.x
jus@cusp:~/Code/Spielwiese/Mpi> lamboot mfile

LAM 7.1.4/MPI 2 C++/ROMIO - Indiana University

Enter passphrase for key '/cusp/jus/.ssh/id_rsa':
Enter passphrase for key '/cusp/jus/.ssh/id_rsa':
jus@cusp:~/Code/Spielwiese/Mpi> lamnodes
n0      cusp:1:origin,this_node
jus@cusp:~/Code/Spielwiese/Mpi> mpirun -np 2 hello.x
Process 0 on cusp out of 2
Process 1 on cusp out of 2

The jobs are thus wrapped only on the node "cusp", not on both. I have no clue 
why this is.
Thanks, Justus
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