On Mar 17, 2008, at 10:16 PM, balaji srinivas wrote:

I am new to MPI. The outline of my code is

else if(r==1)

where r is the rank and functions are included in the .h files. There are no compilation errors. I get the SIGSEGV error while running.
Pls help. how to solve this?

From your description, it is impossible to tell if this is an MPI issue or not. You should probably use standard debugging techniques, such as using a debugger, examining core files, etc. See http://www.open-mpi.org/faq/?category=debugging if you need some suggestions for debugging in parallel.

2) how to find the execution time of a mpi program. in C we have
clock_t start=clock() at the beginning and

((double)clock() - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC) at the end.

I don't quite understand your question -- is your use of clock() reporting incorrect wall clock times?

Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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