> One thing about running programs is that the binaries need to be in the 
> same absolute path on all systems. This means if you're running the 
> program from /home/me on system1, the program you're running must also 
> be in /home/me on all the other systems. OpenMPI will not transfer those 
> binaries for you. An easy way for this is have an NFS mount for your MPI 
> programs that all of the systems can access and run from there. The 
> system specs make no difference as long as you're not going to switch to 
> a high speed interconnect soon.

Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I do believe that the
executables don't need to be in the same place on every node, but they
do need to be on every node somewhere in that node's PATH.  Certainly,
consistent NFS mounted filespaces is one of the easiest ways to achieve

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