OpenMPI does not use PATH, at least not by default (or my default).
Node 1:
Node 2:
Binary "endian" is in /home/elvedin/mpi/ompi/bin of node 2 (as defined in
PATH) and in /home/elvedin/ of node 1. Running from node 1 with "mpirun -np
2 -machinefile (has node1,node2 in it) endian" -
Failed to find the following executable:
Host: node2
Executable: endian
On Apr 3 2008, Terry Frankcombe wrote:
Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I do believe that the
executables don't need to be in the same place on every node, but they
do need to be on every node somewhere in that node's PATH. Certainly,
consistent NFS mounted filespaces is one of the easiest ways to achieve