Short answer: yes, we do compile in the prefix path into OMPI. Check out this FAQ entry; I think it'll solve your problem:

On Sep 8, 2008, at 5:33 AM, Paul Kapinos wrote:

Hi all!

We are using OpenMPI on an variety of machines (running Linux, Solaris/Sparc and /Opteron) using couple of compilers (GCC, Sun Studio, Intel, PGI, 32 and 64 bit...) so we have at least 15 versions of each release of OpenMPI (SUN Cluster Tools not included).

This shows, that we have to support an complete petting zoo of OpenMPI's. Sometimes we may need to move things around.

If OpenMPI is being configured, the install path may be provided using --prefix keyword, say so:

./configure --prefix=/my/love/path/for/openmpi/tmp1

After "gmake all install" in ...tmp1 an installation of OpenMPI may be found.

Then, say, we need to *move* this Version to an another path, say / my/love/path/for/openmpi/blupp

Of course we have to set $PATH and $LD_LIBRARY_PATH accordingly (we can that ;-)

And if we tried to use OpenMPI from new location, we got error message like

$ ./mpicc
Cannot open configuration file /my/love/path/for/openmpi/tmp1/share/ openmpi/mpicc-wrapper-data.txt
Error parsing data file mpicc: Not found

(note the old installation path used)

That looks for me, that the install path provided with --prefix in configuration step, is compiled into opal_wrapper executable file and opal_wrapper works iff the set of configuration files is in this path. But after move of the OpenMP installation directory the configuration files aren't there...

An side effect of this behaviour is the certainty that binary distributions of OpenMPI (RPM's) are not relocatable. That's uncomfortably. (Actually, this mail is initiated by the fact that Sun ClusterTools RPM's are not relocatable)

So, does this behavior have an deeper sence I cannot recognise, or maybe the configuring of global paths is not needed?

What I mean, is that the paths for the configuration files, which opal_wrapper need, may be setted locally like ../share/openmpi/*** without affectiong the integrity of OpenMPI. Maybe there were were more places where the usage of local paths may be needed to allowe movable (relocable) OpenMPI.

What do you mean about?

Best regards
Paul Kapinos

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Cisco Systems

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