On Sep 17, 2008, at 9:49 AM, Paul Kapinos wrote:

If we add an " -x OPAL_PREFIX " flag, and through forces explicitly forwarding of this environment variable, the error was not occured. So we mean that this variable is needed to be exported across *all* systhems in cluster.

It seems, the variable OPAL_PREFIX will *NOT* be automatically exported to new processes on the local and remote nodes.

Maybe the FAQ in http://www.open-mpi.org/faq/?category=building#installdirs should be extended in this mean?

Hmm. I don't know why it's not exporting for you -- it *is* automatically exporting OPAL_PREFIX for me (i.e., I don't need to specify it on the mpirun/-x command line).

Is there any chance that your wrapper is overriding this variable, or erasing the environment, or somesuch?

Ah -- here's another important point (after looking in the code): OPAL_PREFIX is only automatically propagated *by Open MPI* when using the rsh/ssh launcher. Is that what you are using? If not, OMPI assumes that the resource manager propagates mpirun's environment out to the back-end nodes. If this does not happen, then you'll need to - x OPAL_PREFIX.

Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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