On Sep 24, 2008, at 10:47 AM, Shafagh Jafer wrote:

Yes, I am using the wrapper compilers. But in my simulator Makefile.common I am including the files from gcc and g++. Please see my attached makefile. I am also attaching my previouse Makefile.common which I was MPICH instead of openmpi. Please see both of them and see the defferences, you will see that in the new makefile, I am only commenting the MPICH related stuff and replacing gcc and g++ with mpicc and mpic++. Is there anything else I am doing wrong or I am not supposed not have in my new Make file??

You did a few other things, too. ;-) (do a diff -u between the two files and you'll see the differences)

The OMPI Makefile.common looks ok (you don't need the -L for OMPI's libs, but it's not harmful). I don't know exactly how it's used, but from the context in that file, I guess it's ok.

FWIW, I'd guess that you should be able to use MPICH's wrapper compilers in the same way that you use OMPI's wrapper compilers. I don't know this for sure, but I do know that MPICH has wrapper compilers and I was under the impression that they worked pretty much like ours.

As for why you're getting those STL errors, are you able to compile any C++ STL codes on your machine at all? I.e., do you know that the C ++ compiler and STL are installed and functioning properly? The OMPI v1.2 C++ bindings use the STL in a few places; it looks like that is failing to compile with some nebulous errors on your machine.

(FWIW, in the upcoming Open MPI v1.3, we have removed all uses of the STL from our C++ bindings, at least partly due to the fact that we have seen multiple users that have functional C++ compilers but broken have STL installations)

Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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