On Sep 22, 2008, at 6:08 PM, Brian Harker wrote:

Here's the config.log file...now that I look through it more
carefully, I see some errors that I didn't see when watching
./configure scroll by...still don't know what to do though.  :(

Not to worry; there are many tests in configure that are designed to fail. So it's not a problem to see lots of failures in config.log.

I see that it did use ifort for both the F77 and F90 compilers; that's what I wanted to check with configure output and config.log.

Per Doug's comment, if OMPI is not re-compiling the Fortran module when you reconfigure with a new fortran compiler, that is likely a bug. Can you "make clean all install" and see if it works? If not, send all the output here (see http://www.open-mpi.org/community/help/ for instructions; please compress).

Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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