This scenario was not mentioned, but I'll bet it falls into the same general category. If an HCA has different run-time characteristics, regardless of whether they are caused by the OEM or the reseller, that's probably "heterogeneous enough" for this discussion.

On Jan 26, 2009, at 2:41 PM, Don Kerr wrote:


Did IWG say anything about there being a chip set issue? Example what if a vender, say Sun, wraps Mellanox chips and on its own HCAs, would Mellanox HCA and Sun HCA work together?


On 01/26/09 14:19, Jeff Squyres wrote:
The Interop Working Group (IWG) of the OpenFabrics Alliance asked me to bring a question to the Open MPI user and developer communities: is anyone interested in having a single MPI job span HCAs or RNICs from multiple vendors? (pardon the cross-posting, but I did want to ask each group separately -- because the answers may be different)

The interop testing lab at the University of New Hampshire ( ) discovered that most (all?) MPI implementations fail when having a single MPI job span HCAs from multiple vendors and/or span RNICs from multiple vendors. I don't remember the exact details (and they may not be public, anyway), but I'm pretty sure that OMPI failed when used with QLogic and Mellanox HCAs in a single MPI job. This is fairly unsurprising, given how we tune Open MPI's use of OpenFabrics-capable hardware based on our .ini file.

So my question is: does anyone want/need to support jobs that span HCAs from multiple vendors and/or RNICs from multiple vendors?

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Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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