Hi All,

I'm doing some tests on a small cluster with gigabit and infiniband
interconnects with openmpi and I'm running into the same problem as
described in the following thread:

Basically even if I run my test with:
mpirun --mca btl tcp,self --prefix /share/apps/openmpi-1.3/gcc_ifort/
--machinefile machines -np 2 ./osu_latency
I seem to be getting infiniband transport:
# OSU MPI Latency Test v3.1.1
# Size            Latency (us)
0                         2.41
1                         2.66
2                         2.85
4                         2.85
8                         2.88
16                        3.52
32                        3.61
64                        3.62
128                       3.95
256                       4.19
512                       4.96
1024                      6.31

I tried running it with --mca btl ^openib but the result is the same.
I even tried, as suggested in the thread above, to remove the *openib*
files from the lib/openmpi directory, but without any change.

I tried with 1.2.8 and with 1.3.0 with the same results.

Is there anything else I can try in order to be able to use gigabit

Thanks, Daniel.

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