Thanks much for all the help.
I will work to wall things off, but as the means of doing that is not obvious with the way the network is configured, I will also be watchful for new versions which might provide options for this situation.

Cheers, Kersey

On Feb 10, 2009, at 2:54 AM, Ralph Castain wrote:

The default launcher is ssh - the "rsh" things you see are the name of the particular component, not the name of the actual command being used. That launcher looks for "ssh" first, and then falls back to "rsh" if ssh isn't found.

OMPI currently doesn't support restricted port ranges. We are working on a new release that does, but it won't be out for a few weeks. Until that time, my only suggestion would be to look at removing the firewall on every node in favor of a firewall on the outside of the cluster. I'm not sure any other solution is available just yet.


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