Hi, here's what I have:

*hello_cxx example
*[hpc@localhost examples]$ mpirun -n 2 hello_cxx
hello_cxx: Symbol `_ZN3MPI10COMM_WORLDE' has different size in shared
object, co nsider re-linking
hello_cxx: Symbol `_ZN3MPI10COMM_WORLDE' has different size in shared
object, co nsider re-linking
Hello, world!  I am 0 of 1
libibverbs: Fatal: couldn't read uverbs ABI version.
[0,0,0]: OpenIB on host localhost.localdomain was unable to find any HCAs.
Another transport will be used instead, although this may result in
lower performance.
libibverbs: Fatal: couldn't read uverbs ABI version.
[0,0,0]: OpenIB on host localhost.localdomain was unable to find any HCAs.
Another transport will be used instead, although this may result in
lower performance.
Hello, world!  I am 0 of 1

*ring_cxx example
*[hpc@localhost examples]$ mpirun -n 2 ring_cxx
ring_cxx: Symbol `_ZN3MPI10COMM_WORLDE' has different size in shared object,
consider re-linking
ring_cxx: Symbol `_ZN3MPI10COMM_WORLDE' has different size in shared object,
consider re-linking
libibverbs: Fatal: couldn't read uverbs ABI version.
libibverbs: Fatal: couldn't read uverbs ABI version.
[0,0,0]: OpenIB on host localhost.localdomain was unable to find any HCAs.
Another transport will be used instead, although this may result in
lower performance.
[0,0,0]: OpenIB on host localhost.localdomain was unable to find any HCAs.
Another transport will be used instead, although this may result in
lower performance.
Process 0 sending 10 to 0, tag 201 (1 processes in ring)
Process 0 sending 10 to 0, tag 201 (1 processes in ring)
Process 0 sent to 0
Process 0 sent to 0
Process 0 decremented value: 9
Process 0 decremented value: 8
Process 0 decremented value: 7
Process 0 decremented value: 6
Process 0 decremented value: 5
Process 0 decremented value: 4
Process 0 decremented value: 3
Process 0 decremented value: 2
Process 0 decremented value: 1
Process 0 decremented value: 0
Process 0 exiting
Process 0 decremented value: 9
Process 0 decremented value: 8
Process 0 decremented value: 7
Process 0 decremented value: 6
Process 0 decremented value: 5
Process 0 decremented value: 4
Process 0 decremented value: 3
Process 0 decremented value: 2
Process 0 decremented value: 1
Process 0 decremented value: 0
Process 0 exiting

which is weird, I'm not sure what's wrong, but one thing that I realized is
that the documentation for running openmpi is outdated? here's my $PATH and

[hpc@localhost ~]$ cat .bash_profile
# .bash_profile

# Get the aliases and functions
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
        . ~/.bashrc

# User specific environment and startup programs


export PATH

It's different that what the documentation had, because there's I couldn't
find the files in the /opt/openmpi
I hope that anyone could help?

Thanks a lot!

-- Grady

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