Hi Fivoskouk

I don't use Ubuntu.
However, we install OpenMPI from source with no problem on CentOS, Fedora, etc. All configuration options are available this way.
Works with gnu (gcc,g++,gfortran), Intel, PGI, etc.
We've been using 1.3.2.


1) Install the Ubuntu gfortran, gcc, g++ packages, if anyone is missing.

2) Install OpenMPI from source.

**Read their README file and the FAQs,
they are an excellent source of information for new users.**
Most likely all your questions are already answered there,
a simple search will tell.

Use the configure script --prefix option to choose the installation directory. Preferably a NFS mounted directory (if you are on a cluster), and certainly not /usr or /usr/local, to avoid overwritting other MPIs that may be there already.

Configure will also take the compilers of your choice, for instance:
Csh: setenv F90 gfortran; setenv CC ...
Bash: export F90=gfortran; export CC=...

configure --prefix=/installation/dir ...

3) Ifort is the Intel Fortran compiler.
If you have it and want to use it instead of gfortran,
you can try to replace gfortran above by the full path name to ifort.

4) After you install OpenMPI, use full path names to mpicc, mpif90, mpiexec, etc, to avoid confusion with other MPIs in your system.
Or set you PATH variable on your .cshrc/.bashrc
to find the OpenMPI bin directory first.
Csh (.cshrc/.tcshrc): setenv PATH /openmpi-dir/bin:${PATH}
Bash (.bashrc): export PATH=/openmpi-dir/bin:${PATH}

I hope this helps,
Gus Correa
Gustavo Correa
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory - Columbia University
Palisades, NY, 10964-8000 - USA

Fivoskouk wrote:
Hi everyone,
I want to install OpenMPI on my Ubuntu 8.10 64bit PC. My first attempt to install it was through the ubuntu package manager. From the synaptic manager I found, downloaded and installed OpenMPI 1.2.7 version. Unfortunately the installation package did not allow any configuration options in order to define the desired compilers as F77,F90 etc and when I type mpif77 for example I get the message
Unfortunately, this installation of Open MPI was not compiled with
Fortran 77 support.  As such, the mpif77 compiler is non-functional.


I tried to uninstall this version of the MPI but I was not able to completely remove it. To explain what I mean : after removing it through the synaptic manager when I type the mpirun command in terminal I get the same message as above. Can anyone tell me what files do I have to remove so that I can completely clean my PC from that version and install an other version which will allow customizations? Alternatively is there any way to define the compilers after the MPI installation?

Now regarding a new clean installation of OpenMPI : What version do you suggest me install on my pc? Is the latest version (1.3.2) stable enough? As far as I have read in the readme/ installation documents to install the version 1.3.2 I have to run the ./configure command adding the --prefix=/installation/location and F77=77 fortran compiler ,etc (where fortran compiler is just the compilers name e.g. ifort not its location on the filesystem) and after that make all install, is that correct? Can I install OpenMPI at any directory or should I install it in the compiler's installation path? Do I have to make any other customization in the .bashrc in order OpenMPI to operate? If yes what do I have to add ?

I am a relatively new user in linux so detailed instruction would be appreciated. I am looking fowrward hearing from anyone who could help. Thanks in advance.


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