Thank you vey much for your response Gus, unfortunately I was in a trip for
some time thats why I didnt reply immediately. I will try your suggestion.

2009/5/26 Gus Correa <>

> Hi Fivoskouk
> I don't use Ubuntu.
> However, we install OpenMPI from source with no problem on CentOS, Fedora,
> etc. All configuration options are available this way.
> Works with gnu (gcc,g++,gfortran), Intel, PGI, etc.
> We've been using 1.3.2.
> Suggestion:
> 1) Install the Ubuntu gfortran, gcc, g++ packages, if anyone is missing.
> 2) Install OpenMPI from source.
> **Read their README file and the FAQs,
> they are an excellent source of information for new users.**
> Most likely all your questions are already answered there,
> a simple search will tell.
> Use the configure script --prefix option to choose the installation
> directory.  Preferably a NFS mounted directory (if you are on a cluster),
> and certainly not /usr or /usr/local, to avoid overwritting other MPIs that
> may be there already.
> Configure will also take the compilers of your choice, for instance:
> Csh: setenv F90 gfortran; setenv CC ...
> Bash: export F90=gfortran; export CC=...
> Then:
> configure --prefix=/installation/dir ...
> 3) Ifort is the Intel Fortran compiler.
> If you have it and want to use it instead of gfortran,
> you can try to replace gfortran above by the full path name to ifort.
> 4) After you install OpenMPI, use full path names to mpicc, mpif90,
> mpiexec, etc, to avoid confusion with other MPIs in your system.
> Or set you PATH variable on your .cshrc/.bashrc
> to find the OpenMPI bin directory first.
> Csh (.cshrc/.tcshrc): setenv PATH /openmpi-dir/bin:${PATH}
> Bash (.bashrc): export PATH=/openmpi-dir/bin:${PATH}
> I hope this helps,
> Gus Correa
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Gustavo Correa
> Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory - Columbia University
> Palisades, NY, 10964-8000 - USA
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Fivoskouk wrote:
>>  Hi everyone,
>> I want to install OpenMPI on my Ubuntu 8.10 64bit PC. My first attempt to
>> install it was through the ubuntu package manager. From the synaptic manager
>> I found, downloaded and installed OpenMPI 1.2.7 version. Unfortunately the
>> installation package did not allow any configuration options in order to
>> define the desired compilers as F77,F90 etc and when I type mpif77 for
>> example I get the message
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Unfortunately, this installation of Open MPI was not compiled with
>> Fortran 77 support.  As such, the mpif77 compiler is non-functional.
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> I tried to uninstall this version of the MPI but I was not able to
>> completely remove it. To explain what I mean : after removing it through the
>> synaptic manager when I type the mpirun command in terminal I get the same
>> message as above. Can anyone tell me what files do I have to remove so that
>> I can completely clean my PC from that version and install an other version
>> which will allow customizations? Alternatively is there any way to define
>> the compilers after the MPI installation?
>> Now regarding a new clean installation of OpenMPI  : What version do you
>> suggest me install on my pc? Is the latest version (1.3.2) stable enough?
>> As far as I have read in the readme/ installation documents to install the
>> version 1.3.2 I have to run the ./configure command adding the
>> --prefix=/installation/location and F77=77 fortran compiler ,etc (where
>> fortran compiler is just the compilers name e.g. ifort not its location on
>> the filesystem) and after that make all install, is that correct? Can I
>> install OpenMPI at any directory or should I install it in the compiler's
>> installation path?
>>  Do I have to make any other customization in the .bashrc in order OpenMPI
>> to operate? If yes what do I have to add ?
>> I am a relatively new user in linux so detailed instruction would be
>> appreciated. I am looking fowrward hearing from anyone who could help.
>> Thanks in advance.
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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