This is a problem of numerical stability, and there is no solution for such a problem in MPI. Usually, preconditioning the input matrix improve the numerical stability.

If you read the MPI standard, there is a __short__ section about what guarantees the MPI collective communications provide. There is only one: if you run the same collective twice, on the same set of nodes with the same input data, you will get the same output. In fact the main problem is that MPI consider all default operations (MPI_OP) as being commutative and associative, which is usually the case in real world but not when floating point rounding is around. When you increase the number of nodes, the data will be spread in smaller pieces, which means more operations will have to be done in order to achieve the reduction, i.e. more rounding errors might occur and so on.


On May 27, 2009, at 11:16 , vasilis wrote:

Rank 0 accumulates all the res_cpu values into a single array, res. It
starts with its own res_cpu and then adds all other processes.  When
np=2, that means the order is prescribed.  When np>2, the order is no
longer prescribed and some floating-point rounding variations can start
to occur.

Yes you are right. Now, the question is why would these floating- point rounding variations occur for np>2? It cannot be due to a not prescribed order!!

If you want results to be more deterministic, you need to fix the order in which res is aggregated. E.g., instead of using MPI_ANY_SOURCE, loop
over the peer processes in a specific order.

P.S.  It seems to me that you could use MPI collective operations to
implement what you're doing.  E.g., something like:
I could use these operations for the res variable (Will it make the summation
any faster?). But, I can not use them for the other 3 variables.
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