On Wednesday 27 of May 2009 8:35:49 pm Eugene Loh wrote:
> George Bosilca wrote:
> > This is a problem of numerical stability, and there is no solution
> > for  such a problem in MPI. Usually,  preconditioning the input
> > matrix  improve the numerical stability.
> At the level of this particular e-mail thread, the issue seems to me to
> be different.  Results are added together in some arbitrary order and
> there are variations on order of 10^-10.  This is not an issue of
> numerical stability, but just of bitwise floating-point reproducibility.
> And, given that one could fix the order (by using explicit source
> processes instead of MPI_ANY_SOURCE), one could "fix" this particular
> problem in MPI.
> Anyhow, I'm just picking nits here.


I really do not understand why you insist on the order. Maybe there is 
something subtle about the order that I do not understand. Anyhow, I changed 
the code according to your suggestion.

Thank you,

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