OK. I appreciate the suggestion and will definitely try it out.


On Fri, 2009-06-05 at 10:14 -0400, Jeff Squyres wrote:
> On Jun 2, 2009, at 3:26 PM, Allen Barnett wrote:
> > I
> > guess what I'm asking is if I will have to make my partitioner an
> > OpenMPI program as well?
> >
> If you use MPI_COMM_SPAWN with the 1.2 series, yes.
> Another less attractive but functional solution would be to do what I  
> did for the new command notifier due in the OMPI v1.5 series  
> ("notifier" = subsystem to notify external agents when OMPI detects  
> something wrong, like write to the syslog, send an email, write to a  
> sysadmin mysql db, etc., "command" = plugin that simply forks and runs  
> whatever command you want).  During MPI_INIT, the fork notifier pre- 
> forks a dummy process.  This dummy process then waits for commands via  
> a pipe.  When the parent (MPI process itself) wants to fork a child,  
> it sends the argv to exec down the pipe and has the child process  
> actually do the fork and exec.
> Proxying all the fork requests through a secondary process like this  
> avoids all the problems with registered memory in the child process.   
> This is icky, but it is an unfortunately necessity for OS-bypass/ 
> registration-based networks like OpenFabrics.
> In your case, you'd want to pre-fork before calling MPI_INIT.  But the  
> rest of the technique is pretty much the same.
> Have a look at the code in this tree if it helps:
> https://svn.open-mpi.org/trac/ompi/browser/trunk/orte/mca/notifier/command

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