Hi Luis,

Luis Vitorio Cargnini wrote:
Your suggestion is a great and interesting idea. I only have the fear to get used to the Boost and could not get rid of Boost anymore, because one thing is sure the abstraction added by Boost is impressive, it turn

I should add that I fully understand what it is you are saying and despite all the good things there were being said about Boost, I was avoiding it for a very long time because of the dependency issue. For two reasons -- the dependency issue for myself (exactly like what you said) and distributing it means users will have to do an extra step (regardless of how easy/hard the step is, it's an extra step).

I finally switched over :-) and the "prototype" idea was just a way to ease you into it. MPI programs are hard to get right, and Boost aside, it is a good idea to have something working that is easy to do and then you can remove the parts that you don't like later.

By the way, it seems that less-used parts of MPI do not have equivalents in Boost.MPI, so just using Boost won't solve all of your problems. There is a list here (the table with the entries that say "unsupported"):


Good luck!


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