I think so
I used
LIBMPI= -L$(MPI_LIB) -lmpi_f90 -lmpi_f77 -lmpi
and compiled with gfortran.
and loaded with tha LIBMPI given above
But you were very right. It was using the mpirun from /usr/bin instead of /usr/local/bin When I did that the parallelo stuff was better; I still have some trouble with io, but we 'll fix that later

On 15/08/2009, at 1:52 PM, Jeff Squyres wrote:

On Aug 15, 2009, at 7:44 AM, Joop van Lenthe wrote:

I downloaded and compiled openmpi and installed it.
I set met public /private keys.
I try to run and get:
A requested component was not found, or was unable to be opened. This
means that this component is either not installed or is unable to be

Was gamess compiled against the new version of Open MPI that you downloaded and installed?

Note that OS X ships with its own version of Open MPI -- you should probably install Open MPI into an alternate location (e.g., /usr/ local) and put it in the front of your PATH (e.g., put /usr/local/ bin in front of your path). Then you should be able to use mpicc/ mpif77/etc. to compile and link MPI applications as normal with the new version.

Jeff Squyres

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