On Aug 26, 2009, at 3:41 PM, twu...@goodyear.com wrote:

When, for example, I run on an IB cluster, I get warning messages about not
finding GM NICS and another transport will be used etc.
And warnings about mca btl mx components not found etc. It DOES run the
IB, but it never says that in the output.

What I'd like is to not get warnings about what I don't have on the cluster
in question and instead get a note that says it found the IB.

Is this already possible?

Or can I at least suppress the warnings for the not-found interconnects?


You can use:

$ mpirun -mca pml ob1 -mca mx,sm,self ...

when running with MX. Substitute gm or ib when running on those networks.

It may still fail over to TCP. To avoid that, you could run:

$ mpirun -mca pml ob1 -mca ^mx,^ib,^tcp ...

to tell it to run on anything (GM, shared memory and self) except MX, IB, and TCP.

You probably do not need -mca pml ob1, but that will prevent the MX MTL from trying to start as well.


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