On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 08:53:01AM -0400, Jeff Squyres wrote:
> If you're a Fortran MPI developer, I have a question for you.
> In the MPI-3 Forum, we're working on revamping the Fortran bindings to  
> be "better" (for a variety of definitions of "better").  There's at  
> least one question that we really need some feedback from the MPI  
> Fortran developer community before proceeding.  Craig Rasmussen from  
> Los Alamos National Laboratory, chair of the MPI-3 Fortran Working  
> Group, asked me to post a "request for information" to my blog and  
> pass on the URL to every Fortran MPI programmer that I know:
> http://blogs.cisco.com/ciscotalk/performance/comments/mpi-3_fortran_community_feedback_needed/
> Please go read that entry and let us know what you think.
> Many thanks!


There is currently a semi-heated debate in comp.lang.fortran
concerning co-arrays and the upcoming Fortran 2008.  Don't
waste your time trying to decipher the thread; however, there
appear to be a few knowledgable MPI Fortaners hang-out, lately.
Would Craig mind if I relay the above to c.l.f.?  Of course,
if Craig prefers not to veer into USENET, I can understand
his decision.


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