On Oct 27, 2009, at 4:40 PM, Nifty Tom Mitchell wrote:

If I recall correctly the OMPI build does not generate a full Fortran
<--> C mapping of all types for all functions. Was the reason that the resulting library has too many permutations and symbols to test, build and
link to.

The OMPI F90 module does not create prototypes for all possible MPI F90 bindings because there are (IIRC) over 5M possibilities. There's currently no compiler that can handle that many in a single F90 module file.

While not a co-array related comment is there a way to generate
the necessary bindings on the fly and facilitate stronger type
checking and perhaps open the door for richer optimizations
from the compiler folk.


Yes, Craig and I were the authors of that paper. :-) We used that as the starting point for discussions in the MPI-3 working group to improve the MPI F90 bindings problem. The final solution we ended up on ended up being a little different -- see the MPI-3 Fortran WG wiki page for a discussion about this issue:


Will Fortran 2008 revisit some of these issues in a problematic way?
Or is this such old news that folk just live with it?

We think we have a good solution to completely solve this particular issue. See the wiki page for details.

Jeff Squyres

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