>> I assume that both of you have seen the reply from Aleksej Saushev,
>> who seems to be the bloke looking after the port of OpenMPI to the
>> NetBSD platform.
>> Aleksej suggested some mods he had partially looked at, in
>> opal/util/if.c
> Nope - didn't see anything like that :-/

Aah, just realised that that portion of Aleksej's comments were in
an offlist posting.

It'll be interesting to compare which files Jeff thinks the munging
needs to be done in.

> Since none of us (to my knowledge) have ever looked at NetBSD (in
> fact, I never heard of it before), I would not be surprised to find
> that there are going to be problems encountered in such a port.
> There always are.

I have not had a chance to start looking at this in earnest myself
yet but I include the relevant info here, in case experience with
porting to those platforms you have heard of suggests something

OpenMPI uses incorrect way to access network interface information,
what works for FreeBSD (by an accident) doesn't work for NetBSD,
we should rewrite respective parts of opal/util/if.c file to use BSD API,
that is getifaddrs(3) even when walking over IPv4 addresses.

My old "draft" (which is simply pointer to that part) is below,
I don't remember which OpenMPI version it is based on, I hope that you
find the place yourself. If not, ask or wait. I do hope to find some
time for OpenMPI next week after I finish reworking Fortran support in
pkgsrc. Stay tuned.

--- opal/util/if.c.orig        2009-03-18 18:42:39.000000000 +0300
+++ opal/util/if.c        2009-03-21 22:14:44.000000000 +0300
@@ -164,6 +164,135 @@
                                 false, false, (int)false, &sd);
     do_not_resolve = OPAL_INT_TO_BOOL(sd);

+#if defined( __NetBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
+/* || defined(__386BSD__) || defined(__bsdi__) || defined(__APPLE__) */
+/*           || defined(__linux__)  */
+    {
+        struct ifaddrs **ifadd_list;
+        struct ifaddrs *cur_ifaddrs;
+        struct sockaddr_in6* sin_addr;
+        /*
+         * the manpage claims that getifaddrs() allocates the memory,
+         * and freeifaddrs() is later used to release the allocated memory.
+         * however, without this malloc the call to getifaddrs() segfaults
+         */
+        ifadd_list = (struct ifaddrs **) malloc(sizeof(struct ifaddrs*));
+        /* create the linked list of ifaddrs structs */
+        if(getifaddrs(ifadd_list) < 0) {
+            opal_output(0, "opal_ifinit: getifaddrs() failed with
+                    errno);
+            return OPAL_ERROR;
+        }
+        for(cur_ifaddrs = *ifadd_list; NULL != cur_ifaddrs;
+                cur_ifaddrs = cur_ifaddrs->ifa_next) {
+            opal_if_t intf;
+            opal_if_t *intf_ptr;
+            struct in6_addr a6;
+            /* skip non-ipv6 interface addresses */
+            if(AF_INET6 != cur_ifaddrs->ifa_addr->sa_family) {
+#if 0
+                printf("skipping non-ipv6 interface %s.\n",
+                continue;
+            }
+            /* skip interface if it is down (IFF_UP not set) */
+            if(0 == (cur_ifaddrs->ifa_flags & IFF_UP)) {
+#if 0
+                printf("skipping non-up interface %s.\n",
+                continue;
+            }
+            /* skip interface if it is a loopback device (IFF_LOOPBACK
set) */
+            /* or if it is a point-to-point interface */
+            /* TODO: do we really skip p2p? */
+            if(0 != (cur_ifaddrs->ifa_flags & IFF_LOOPBACK)
+                    || 0!= (cur_ifaddrs->ifa_flags & IFF_POINTOPOINT)) {
+#if 0
+                printf("skipping loopback interface %s.\n",
+                continue;
+            }
+            sin_addr = (struct sockaddr_in6 *) cur_ifaddrs->ifa_addr;
+            /*
+             * skip IPv6 address starting with fe80:, as this is supposed
to be
+             * link-local scope. sockaddr_in6->sin6_scope_id doesn't
always work
+             * TODO: test whether scope id is set to a sensible value on
+             * linux and/or bsd (including osx)
+             *
+             * MacOSX: fe80::... has a scope of 0, but ifconfig -a shows
+             * a scope of 4 on that particular machine,
+             * so the scope returned by getifaddrs() isn't working properly
+             */
+            if((IN6_IS_ADDR_LINKLOCAL (&sin_addr->sin6_addr))) {
+#if 0
+                printf("skipping link-local ipv6 address on interface \
+                        %s with scope %d.\n",
+                        cur_ifaddrs->ifa_name, sin_addr->sin6_scope_id);
+                continue;
+            }
+            OMPI_DEBUG_ZERO(intf);
+            OBJ_CONSTRUCT(&intf, opal_list_item_t);
+#if 0
+            char *addr_name = (char *) malloc(48*sizeof(char));
+            inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &sin_addr->sin6_addr, addr_name,
+            opal_output(0, "ipv6 capable interface %s discovered, address
+                    cur_ifaddrs->ifa_name, addr_name);
+            free(addr_name);
+            /* fill values into the opal_if_t */
+            memcpy(&a6, &(sin_addr->sin6_addr), sizeof(struct in6_addr));
+            strncpy(intf.if_name, cur_ifaddrs->ifa_name, IF_NAMESIZE);
+            intf.if_index = opal_list_get_size(&opal_if_list) + 1;
+            ((struct sockaddr_in6*) &intf.if_addr)->sin6_addr = a6;
+            ((struct sockaddr_in6*) &intf.if_addr)->sin6_family = AF_INET6;
+            /* since every scope != 0 is ignored, we just set the scope
to 0 */
+            ((struct sockaddr_in6*) &intf.if_addr)->sin6_scope_id = 0;
+            /*
+             * hardcoded netmask, adrian says that's ok
+             */
+            intf.if_mask = 64;
+            intf.if_flags = cur_ifaddrs->ifa_flags;
+            /*
+             * FIXME: figure out how to gain access to the kernel index
+             * (or create our own), getifaddrs() does not contain such
+             * data
+             */
+            intf.if_kernel_index = (uint16_t)
+            intf_ptr = (opal_if_t*) malloc(sizeof(opal_if_t));
+            OMPI_DEBUG_ZERO(*intf_ptr);
+            if(NULL == intf_ptr) {
+                opal_output(0, "opal_ifinit: unable to allocate %lu
+                            sizeof(opal_if_t));
+                OBJ_DESTRUCT(&intf);
+                return OPAL_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE;
+            }
+            memcpy(intf_ptr, &intf, sizeof(intf));
+            opal_list_append(&opal_if_list, (opal_list_item_t*) intf_ptr);
+            OBJ_DESTRUCT(&intf);
+        }   /*  of for loop over ifaddrs list */
+    }
     /* create the internet socket to test off */
    Change AF_INET to AF_UNSPEC (or AF_INET6) and everything will fail.
@@ -358,6 +487,9 @@
+#endif  /* bsd,  macosx */
 #ifdef __linux__ /* Linux does not have SIOCGL*, so parse
                      /proc/net/if_inet6 instead */


Kevin M. Buckley                                  Room:  CO327
School of Engineering and                         Phone: +64 4 463 5971
 Computer Science
Victoria University of Wellington
New Zealand

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