Whilst MPI has traditionally been run on dedicated hardware, the rise of cheap multicore CPUs makes it very attractive for ISVs such as ourselves (http://www.cambridgeflowsolutions.com/) to build a *single* executable that can be run in batch mode on a dedicated cluster *or* interactively on a user's workstation.

Once you've taken the pain of writing a distributed-memory app (rather than shared-memory/multithreaded), MPI provides a transparent API to cover both use cases above. *However*, at the moment, the lack of select()-like behaviour (instead of polling) means we have to write custom code to avoid hogging a workstation. A runtime-selectable mechanism would be perfect!

Is there any formal mechanism for garnering whether there is a wider appetite for such functionality amongst Open MPI users?

George Bosilca wrote:
There are many papers published at this subject. Google scholar with a search for 
"system noise" will give you a starting point.


On Dec 7, 2009, at 10:13 , Douglas Guptill wrote:

In most MPI applications if even one task is sharing its CPU with
other processes, like users doing compiles, the whole job slows down
too much.
I have not found that to be the case.

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