I got the following problem while trying to run vt-enabled HPL benchmark on a
single 8-core Linux node.

OTF ERROR in function OTF_WBuffer_setTimeAndProcess, file: OTF_WBuffer.c, line: 
 time not increasing. (t= 2995392288, p= 2)
vtunify: Error: Could not read events of OTF stream [namestub ./a__ufy.tmp id 1]
vtunify: An error occurred during unifying events - Terminating ...

Sometimes instead of above message I get this:

vtunify: vt_unify_events_hdlr.cc:37: int Handle_Enter(OTF_WStream*, uint64_t, 
uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t): Assertion `global_statetoken != 0' failed.

A program is automatically instrumented (all I did was changing mpicc to
mpicc-vt), compiled and run with latest svn of Open MPI, command:

mpirun -np 8 --mca btl self,sm hpl

The same problem was with the latest release version.

When I run it with less number of processes, it works fine.

Any ideas?

Roman I. Cheplyaka

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