Dear Roman, dear all,

this error says, that something is very wrong with the trace collection. Do 
you know if this error happens in the middle of the run or at the end? To fin 
out, please export the following before the run

        "export VT_UNIFY=no"

and afterwards run the unification manually like this:

        "vtunify <#files> <iprefix> -k" 

where <#files> should be 8 in your case and <iprefix> is the first part of the 
name of the temporary trace files that appear in your working dir. 

Then, please let me know whether you get the error in the first or second step.

Furthermore, could you send me the config.log file from the installation of 
VampirTrace, please.

Best regards, Andreas

On Tuesday 22 December 2009 16:21:21 Roman Cheplyaka wrote:
> I got the following problem while trying to run vt-enabled HPL benchmark on
>  a single 8-core Linux node.
> OTF ERROR in function OTF_WBuffer_setTimeAndProcess, file: OTF_WBuffer.c,
>  line: 308: time not increasing. (t= 2995392288, p= 2)
> vtunify: Error: Could not read events of OTF stream [namestub ./a__ufy.tmp
>  id 1] vtunify: An error occurred during unifying events - Terminating ...
> Sometimes instead of above message I get this:
> vtunify: int Handle_Enter(OTF_WStream*,
>  uint64_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t): Assertion `global_statetoken !=
>  0' failed.
> A program is automatically instrumented (all I did was changing mpicc to
> mpicc-vt), compiled and run with latest svn of Open MPI, command:
> mpirun -np 8 --mca btl self,sm hpl
> The same problem was with the latest release version.
> When I run it with less number of processes, it works fine.
> Any ideas?

Dr. rer. nat. Andreas Knüpfer, 
Center for Information Services and 
High Performance Computing (ZIH), TU Dresden, 
Willersbau A114, Zellescher Weg 12, 01062 Dresden
phone +49-351-463-38323, fax +49-351-463-37773

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