On Jan 15, 2010, at 8:07 AM, Andreea Costea wrote:

> - I wanted to update to version 1.4.1 and I uninstalled previous version like 
> this: make uninstall, and than manually deleted all the left over files. the 
> directory where I installed was /usr/local

I'll let Josh answer your CR questions, but I did want to ask about this point. 
 AFAIK, "make uninstall" removes *all* Open MPI files.  For example:

[7:25] $ cd /path/to/my/OMPI/tree
[7:25] $ make install > /dev/null
[7:26] $ find /tmp/bogus/ -type f | wc
    646     646   28082
[7:26] $ make uninstall > /dev/null
[7:27] $ find /tmp/bogus/ -type f | wc
      0       0       0
[7:27] $ 

I realize that some *directories* are left in $prefix, but there should be no 
*files* left.  Are you seeing something different?

Jeff Squyres

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