Information: Windows XP SP3 x86, MSVC 2008 Professional, openmpi 1.4.1

There is a compile error if I enable heterogeneous support, see error
message below. The relevant line is:
payload=  (void*)malloc(buflen);
ompi/mca/osc/rdma/osc_rdma_data_move.c(1059): error C2440: '=': cannot
convert from 'void *' to 'void **'

gcc doesn't complain, I've changed void* to void** which seems to
"fix" the problem

Also when generating the MSVC2008 project files through CMake (2.8.0)
there are linker errors for all the project files. libopen-pal.lib and
libopen-rte.lib aren't linked in with the other projects. I couldn't
fnd anything in CMake to fix this, so I manually edited each project
file to change LinkLibraryDependencies to TRUE which for some reason
is set to FALSE by CMake. The relevant option in Visual Studio is in
Configuration Properties > Linker > General > Link Library
Dependencies. I am not familiar with CMake so unfortunately I can't
offer a proper solution.

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