Thanks for the advice =)

2010/3/17 Tim Prince <>

> On 3/16/2010 11:22 PM, Vedran Coralic wrote:
>> Now, I think I know what the problem is. Basically, the NAG Fortran
>> compiler and its libraries are only available on the master node so that the
>> remaining nodes cannot access/find the required files. From my
>> understanding, the only way to fix this would be put to copy the NAG Fortran
>> compiler to all of the nodes in the cluster.
> Don't NAG provide static copies of their libraries?
> Yes, if you link the dynamic libraries, you must make them visible on each
> node, with the path set in LD_LIBRARY_PATH.  On such a small cluster, (or
> with a fast shared file system), a usual way is to put them in a directory
> mounted across all nodes.
> Since you talk about a "work-around," you can copy the library folder to
> your own file system for each node, to check that you've got the hang of it.
> The LD_LIBRARY_PATH setting can be done in your user settings so it doesn't
> affect anyone else.
> --
> Tim Prince
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Vedran Coralic

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