now i get mixed results and everything seems to be working ok with mixed mpi

is it normal that after receiving the results, the hosts remain busy like 15
seconds ??
master:common master$ qrsh -verbose -pe orte 10
/opt/openmpi-1.4.1/bin/mpirun -np 10 hostname
Your job 65 ("mpirun") has been submitted
waiting for interactive job to be scheduled ...
Your interactive job 65 has been successfully scheduled.
Establishing builtin session to host worker00.local ...
#after some seconds, i query the hosts status and slots are still used
master:common master$ qstat -f
queuename                      qtype resv/used/tot. load_avg arch
all.q@master.local             BIP   0/5/16         0.02     darwin-x86
     65 0.55500 mpirun     master       r     04/09/2010 17:44:36     5

all.q@worker00.local           BIP   0/5/16         0.01     darwin-x86
     65 0.55500 mpirun     master       r     04/09/2010 17:44:36     5

master:common master$

but after waiting more time, they get free again
master:common master$ qstat -f
queuename                      qtype resv/used/tot. load_avg arch
all.q@master.local             BIP   0/0/16         0.01     darwin-x86
all.q@worker00.local           BIP   0/0/16         0.01     darwin-x86

anyways these are just details, thanks to your help the important aspects
are working.

On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 1:34 PM, Reuti <> wrote:

> Am 09.04.2010 um 18:57 schrieb Cristobal Navarro:
> > sorry the command was missing a number
> >
> > as you said it should be
> >
> > qrsh -verbose -pe pempi 6 mpirun -np 6 hostname
> > waiting for interactive job to be scheduled ...
> >
> > Your "qrsh" request could not be scheduled, try again later.
> > ---
> > this is my parallel enviroment
> > qconf -sp pempi
> > pe_name            pempi
> > slots              210
> > user_lists         NONE
> > xuser_lists        NONE
> > start_proc_args    /usr/bin/true
> > stop_proc_args     /usr/bin/true
> > allocation_rule    $pe_slots
> $pe_slots means that all slots must come from one and the same machine
> (e.g. for smp jobs). You can try $round_robin.
> -- Reuti
> > control_slaves     TRUE
> > job_is_first_task  FALSE
> > urgency_slots      min
> > accounting_summary TRUE
> >
> > this is the queue
> > qconf -sq cola.q
> > qname                 cola.q
> > hostlist              @allhosts
> > seq_no                0
> > load_thresholds       np_load_avg=1.75
> > suspend_thresholds    NONE
> > nsuspend              1
> > suspend_interval      00:05:00
> > priority              0
> > min_cpu_interval      00:05:00
> > processors            UNDEFINED
> > qtype                 BATCH INTERACTIVE
> > ckpt_list             NONE
> > pe_list               make pempi
> > rerun                 FALSE
> > slots                 2
> > tmpdir                /tmp
> > shell                 /bin/csh
> >
> > i noticed that if i put 2 slots (since the queue has 2 slots) on the -pe
> pempi N   argument and also the full path to mpirun as you guys pointed, it
> works!!!
> > cristobal@neoideo:~$ qrsh -verbose -pe pempi 2
> /opt/openmpi-1.4.1/bin/mpirun -np 6 hostname
> > Your job 125 ("mpirun") has been submitted
> > waiting for interactive job to be scheduled ...
> > Your interactive job 125 has been successfully scheduled.
> > Establishing builtin session to host ijorge.local ...
> > ijorge.local
> > ijorge.local
> > ijorge.local
> > ijorge.local
> > ijorge.local
> > ijorge.local
> > cristobal@neoideo:~$ qrsh -verbose -pe pempi 2
> /opt/openmpi-1.4.1/bin/mpirun -np 6 hostname
> > Your job 126 ("mpirun") has been submitted
> > waiting for interactive job to be scheduled ...
> > Your interactive job 126 has been successfully scheduled.
> > Establishing builtin session to host neoideo ...
> > neoideo
> > neoideo
> > neoideo
> > neoideo
> > neoideo
> > neoideo
> > cristobal@neoideo:~$
> >
> > i just wonder why i didnt get mixed hostnames? like
> > neoideo
> > neoideo
> > ijorge.local
> > ijorge.local
> > neoideo
> > ijorge.local
> >
> > ??
> >
> > thanks for the help already!!!
> >
> > Cristobal
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 8:58 AM, Huynh Thuc Cuoc <>
> wrote:
> > Dear friend,
> > 1.
> > I prefer to use sge qsub cmd, for examples:
> >
> > [huong@ioitg2 MyPhylo]$ qsub -pe orte 3 myphylo.qsub
> > Your job 35 ("myphylo.qsub") has been submitted
> > [huong@ioitg2 MyPhylo]$ qstat
> > job-ID  prior   name       user         state submit/start at     queue
>                        slots ja-task-ID
> >
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >      35 0.55500 myphylo.qs huong        r     04/09/2010 19:28:59
>        3
> > [huong@ioitg2 MyPhylo]$ qstat
> > [huong@ioitg2 MyPhylo]$
> >
> > This job is running on node2 of my cluster.
> > My softs as following:
> > headnode: 4 CPUs. $GRAM, CentOS 5.4 + sge 6.2u4 (qmaster and also execd
> host) + openmpi 1.4.1
> > nodes 4CPUs, 1GRAM, CentOS 5.4 + sgeexecd + openmpi1.4.1
> > PE=orte and set to 4 slots.
> > The app myphylo.qsub has the long cmd in the shell:
> > /opt/openmpi/bin/mpirun -np 10 $HOME/MyPhylo/bin/par-phylo-builder --data
> . . . .
> > Try to set PE as orte, use default PE = make instead.
> >
> > 2. I test your cmd on my sytem as:
> > a.
> > [huong@ioitg2 MyPhylo]$ qrsh -verbose -pe make mpirun -np 6 hostname
> > error: Numerical value invalid!
> > The initial portion of string "mpirun" contains no decimal number
> > [huong@ioitg2 MyPhylo]$ qrsh -verbose -pe orte 2 mpirun -np 6 hostname
> > Your job 36 ("mpirun") has been submitted
> >
> > waiting for interactive job to be scheduled ...
> > Your interactive job 36 has been successfully scheduled.
> > Establishing builtin session to host ...
> > bash: mpirun: command not found
> > [huong@ioitg2 MyPhylo]$
> >
> > ERROR ! So I try:
> > [huong@ioitg2 MyPhylo]$ qrsh -verbose -pe orte 2 /opt/openmpi/bin/mpirun
> -np 6 hostname
> > Your job 38 ("mpirun") has been submitted
> >
> > waiting for interactive job to be scheduled ...
> > Your interactive job 38 has been successfully scheduled.
> > Establishing builtin session to host ...
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > [huong@ioitg2 MyPhylo]$
> >
> > This OK.
> > What is: the PATH points to where mpirun is located.
> >
> > TRY.
> >
> > Good chance
> > HT Cuoc
> >
> >
> > On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 11:02 AM, Cristobal Navarro <>
> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > after some days of work and testing, i managed to install SGE on two
> machines, also installed openMPI 1.4.1 for each one.
> >
> > SGE is working, i can submit jobs and it schedules the jobs to the
> available cores total of 6,
> >
> > my problem is that im trying to run an openMPI job and i cant.
> >
> > this is an example of what i am trying.
> >
> >
> > $qrsh -verbose -pe pempi mpirun -np 6 hostname
> > Your job 105 ("mpirun") has been submitted
> > waiting for interactive job to be scheduled ...
> >
> > Your "qrsh" request could not be scheduled, try again later.
> >
> > im not sure what this can be,
> > in the ompi_info i have gridengine support.
> >
> > where do you recommend to look ??
> > thanks in advance
> >
> > Cristobal
> >
> >
> >
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