
Normally, that means a wrong path or incompatible compiler version, e.g. 32 bit vs 64 bit.


On 2010-5-7 6:54 PM, Damien wrote:
nd 2.8.1. In the CMake GUI, I checked the OMPI_WANT_F77_BINDINGS option, and added a FilePath for CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER of C:/Program Files (x86)/Intel/Compiler/11.1/065/bin/ia32/ifort.exe. When I re-run the Configure, CMake wipes the CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER variable and complains about a missing Fortran compiler. Any suggestions?

Shiqing Fan                          http://www.hlrs.de/people/fan
High Performance Computing           Tel.: +49 711 685 87234
  Center Stuttgart (HLRS)            Fax.: +49 711 685 65832
Address:Allmandring 30               email: f...@hlrs.de
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