Hi Alex,

When the attachment is large, you can set the email directly to me off the list.

For the problem you got, the reason is that you are using MinGW, but not Microsoft C/C++ compiler. Is that possible for you to just switch to Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 or 2008? There are still many problems for supporting MinGW at moment.


On 2010-7-12 3:48 PM, Alexandru Blidaru wrote:

I am attaching all the output text resulted when configuring for the first time. I am also attaching a picture of the of the main area. My main purpose of installing OpenMPI is to set up a set of "virtual cluster" on the Windows 7 machine, so I could get accustomed with the different settings, and so I could try some small programs, before being allowed to work on the actual cluster.

Note, this is the first time I am using a mailing list, so if I am not allowed attachments, please tell me. I tried to keep them as small as possible.

Thanks for your help,

On Sat, Jul 10, 2010 at 7:16 AM, Shiqing Fan <f...@hlrs.de <mailto:f...@hlrs.de>> wrote:

    Hi Alex,

    Building Open MPI using CMake is the recommended procedure, you
    probably should stick with it, and it has been proved working well
    on different Windows platforms. The other building procedures are
    not well supported for some time now, and they are deprecated.

    For the problems that you got when building with CMake, it might
    because some dependent headers/libraries are not installed. Could
    you please provide the detail CMake error output, so that I can
    help you fix it?


    On 2010-7-9 8:19 PM, Alexandru Blidaru wrote:
    Hey guys,

    This is my first time posting on an email list, so if I don't
    follow certain protocols just tell me. Anyway, I am working at a
    research lab as a High School Summer Intern, and part of my
    project involves installing OpenMPI on a Windows machine to run
    some applications in virtual clusters. I tried following the
    first two methods from the Windows ReadMe file, but none of them
    work. For the first one, there are a bunch of header files cMake
    can't find. For the second one, the cannot find the
    ompi-static.tgz tarball. The set of files that I downloaded from
    OpenMPI can be found here (tried both tars):
    http://www.open-mpi.org/software/ompi/v1.4/ .

    I noticed however that the ompi-static tarball can be found in
    the Subversion that i obtained this
    way:http://www.open-mpi.org/svn/mercurial.php . Can anyone tell
    me what I might be doing wrong? Or maybe more detailed steps?
    it's the first time I work with OpenMPI or any similar technologies.

    Thanks for your help,
    Alex Blidaru

    users mailing list
    us...@open-mpi.org  <mailto:us...@open-mpi.org>

-- --------------------------------------------------------------
    Shiqing Fanhttp://www.hlrs.de/people/fan
    High Performance Computing           Tel.: +49 711 685 87234
       Center Stuttgart (HLRS)            Fax.: +49 711 685 65832
    Address:Allmandring 30               email:f...@hlrs.de  
    70569 Stuttgart

Shiqing Fan                          http://www.hlrs.de/people/fan
High Performance Computing           Tel.: +49 711 685 87234
  Center Stuttgart (HLRS)            Fax.: +49 711 685 65832
Address:Allmandring 30               email: f...@hlrs.de
70569 Stuttgart

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